Sunday, May 24, 2020

Importance Of Conformity In School - 1068 Words

Social Conformity in School School is a time to get a basic academic education which allows for a better understanding of the world we live in, and an opportunity for a better life. Additionally, it’s a crucial phase for adolescents as they are on the quest for self-discovery. Adolescence is a time of cognitive, biological, and social challenges but it is also a time to achieve many things. In school, students get exposed to peer pressure and feel the need to conform to the people around them. People conform to avoid looking foolish or sticking out of a group. For that reason, people are matching the beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes to whatever the â€Å"norm† seems to be at that time. Conformity doesn’t end after you graduate school, yet it†¦show more content†¦Middle school is where your future really starts, and that’s why it can be the hardest part of your school years. Due to all these changes, kids start losing who they are, so they begin d ressing alike, talking alike, acting alike, and even eating the same food and listening to the same music. Conformity is the most dangerous in middle school, because this is where the opinions and judgmental comments begin to arise among students. To avoid being judged from peers, students do and say anything that will help them fit in. In rare cases, students do their own thing and stray away from what others believe is â€Å"cool†, but in more cases than not, those are the students who get bullied the most. There was an experiment done by Soloman Asch in the 1950s. The study was looking at conformity and how it influences people’s decisions. In the study, Asch found a group of people who were willing to give an incorrect answer to conform to the rest of the group. Next, a naive student was placed in a room with the other people who were â€Å"in on† the experiment. The naive student had no idea that the other students were not real participants. They were give n an eye test and the students who knew were in on the experiment were told to give an answer that was obviously not correct, but when the one naive student heard their answers, he conformed to the rest of the group and said the same. This experiment is a true test to show how easy people will conform to fit in with the crowd.Show MoreRelatedConformity: Sociology and Dead Poets Society777 Words   |  4 PagesConformity is the social influence involving a change in an individual’s behaviour in order to be uniform and consistent with the expectations of a social system. Conformity provides order and stability in a society as well as a sense of equality, a sense of belonging and identity and the freedom to achieve their full potential. These positive aspects of conformity are explored through the visual text, Dead Poets Society. Conformity is vital in the promotion of equality. Through conformity individualsRead More Comparison of the North American and Japanese Educational Systems1744 Words   |  7 PagesComparison of the North American and Japanese Educational Systems The comparison between Japanese and North American educational systems is often used. The Japanese system, along with other Asian cultures, places importance on the group and the interdependence of its members (Cole Cole, 2001, p. 541). The North American model, in contrast, focuses on the ideals of individuality and independence (Cole Cole, 2001, p.541). This contrast is due to a conflicting cultural/social structure andRead MoreMean Girls Film Critique1288 Words   |  6 PagesShe is a 16-year-old white girl who has to learn how to adapt and change to her new environment, which is in a suburban area and a new completely average high school. Cady already knows that the laws of the jungle and the survival of the fittest but must now understand how to play in this brand new urban jungle. When she arrives in school she befriends an unpopular girl named Janis and her homosexual friend Damian, who quickly become Cady’s new best friends. Cady starts to have feelings for Reginaà ¢â‚¬â„¢sRead MoreWhy Should We Take Gym Class?1275 Words   |  6 Pagesparents have raised the issue of individuality vs. conformity, or letting students choose whether or not they want to take the class vs. forcing them to, pertaining to physical education. Conformity is the wise choice-- schools should make gym a mandatory class every year. Because physical education improves a student’s health, encourages teamwork, and boosts academic performance, the sacrifice of individualism is well worth it in the end. Schools must make students conform when it comes to the popularRead MoreThe Origins Of Human Performance Technology913 Words   |  4 PagesPerformance Technology (HPT) are rooted in more than a century of research. Like a jigsaw puzzle being put together, many contributors created and added pieces to what would soon become a revolutionary concept. Ultimately, people began to recognize the importance of the human components in manufacturing, business, and organization. A pinch of art, a slice of science, and a heaping scoop of data and statistics produced this new way of thinking. Who are these â€Å"witches† brewing this new discipline? SadlyRead MoreSocial Control Theory Essay1320 Words   |  6 PagesThe social control approach to understanding crime is one of the three major sociological perspectives in contemporary criminology. Control theorists believe that conformity to the rules of society is produced by socialization and maintained by ties to people and institut ions— to family members, friends, schools, and jobs. Put briefly, crime and delinquency result when the individual’s bond to society is weak or broken. As social bonds increase in strength, the costs of crime to the individual increaseRead MoreEssay about Conformity and Rebellion in Conversion of the Jews1238 Words   |  5 PagesConformity and Rebellion in Conversion of the Jews Though it seems like a stereotype, all teenagers, at some point, choose to rebel against authority figures or conform with their friends. Part of growing up means becoming the person God intends you to be and finding out how to survive, or be independent, on your own. Conformity and rebellion, two issues that each human being has experienced, have great effects not only on the conformist and rebel, but on the people around themRead MoreAn Era Of Great Conflict1375 Words   |  6 Pagesthe 1950s, Tocqueville’s five characteristics of American Exceptionalism are invalidated; liberty was not attainable due to the Cold War policies like McCarthyism, racism, such as the massive resistance of integration, disproved egalitarianism, conformity, in the suburbs and women’s lives, throughout this decade refuted individualism, populism was belittled with the government’s little help for the Civil Rights Movement, and Laissez Faire Economics was replaced for a short time with Keynesian economicsRead MoreTaking a Look at the Transcendental Movement1455 Words   |  6 Pagesstructure of Dead Poets Society. The central character in this film and the epitome of transcendental values is John Keating. Mr. Keating is the new English teacher at Welton Academy, the school in which the entire movie is set. From the very beginning of the movie, Mr. Keating shows his students the importance of non-conformity, a key element of transcendentalism. For instance, he has them do an exercise in the courtyard that consists of them marching around and clapping in unison. When asked by Mr. NolanRead More Standing Alone Against the World in Ayn Rands The Fountainhead816 Words   |  4 PagesStanding Alone Against the World in Ayn Rands The Fountainhead Conformity is a basic human characteristic that man spends a life time either fighting or accepting, but few can escape.   Parents, churches, schools, and communities teach that the path Peter Keating follows is the assured road to security and happiness.   Humans crave companionship and are willing to sacrifice their values, beliefs, and very souls for the satisfaction of superficial love.   Howard Roark demonstrates that true happiness

Monday, May 18, 2020

Heart Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, And Hypertension

Within the abstract Downes states that the majority of chronic diseases i.e. heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension etc. (which is the leading cause of death/disability in the United States due its nature of only being controlled rather than cured) can be prevented by lifestyle behaviors. Formulating the research through the exploration of â€Å"physical activity,† â€Å"dietary habits,† and lastly, â€Å"weight status related to motivators and barriers of healthy lifestyle choices† of 106 college students. Downes introduces the issue that the majority of the American population does not heed the recommended physical activity and dietary habits in order to maintain optimum health and in turn causes such chronic diseases to develop overtime†¦show more content†¦An example would be gender and way of performing the exercise. In this sense male college students were shown to exercise more vigorously than females. Another determinant significant t o both genders is social support. The study also focused on facilitators and barriers as being representative of PA and DH. Factors identified as facilitators included â€Å"self-efficacy,† the ability to succeed in specific situations, perceived benefits of PA, and overall physical appearance whether good or bad. Barriers reported as lack of motivation and time play keys roles as well. In accords to Affordable Care Act, it initiated the transformation of health care from a disease-oriented model to focusing more so on a prevention-model in hopes of further preventing chronic diseases and promoting PA/DH. It provides other resources through an extensive array of funding from investment in established community-related public health programs and initiatives. Nurse Practitioners, otherwise known as NPs, provide cost-effective care, they are also well educated to minister health care with accentuation on healthy living habits (PA/DH) and disease prevention. NPs in college-based health clinics can practice, intervention and cognitive behavior and skills-building related to a healthy lifestyle which will lead to an increase in PA among students. To improve a healthier lifestyle and reduce the chance of developing a chronic disease suggested by Healthy People 2020 is to consume healthy foods.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Most Pressing Problem For The Prison System - 1571 Words

Question: The Most Pressing Problem for the Prison System is Overcrowding Introduction The prison service has to deal with many issues throughout the whole system, including young people in custody, racism in prison, drugs and drug use for examples. There are many more. This essay talks about overcrowding and its contributing factor in being one of the major challenges facing HM prisons. A number of other issues the prison service has to face overlap and are linked to overcrowding such as suicides and riots. In addition, overcrowding has many consequences and some of these are mentioned within this essay. After reading this you understand that overcrowding remains one of the biggest issues. Flynn (1998) argues that perhaps the biggest problem within the prison service is prison overcrowding. Also The Lord Woolf, Lord Chief Justice, describes overcrowding as a â€Å"cancer† at the heart of the prison system (Collins, 2010). Background There are a few explanations as to why prisons end up overcrowded, these include: †¢ The addition of criminal offences, legislations have stated that offenders can be sentenced for new crimes. †¢ Inmates also might have to return to prison after failing to complete their community service. †¢ Another cause to overcrowding is the use of tougher sentences †¢ and lastly, that offenders are receiving longer sentences for the crimes they have committed. Prisons in England and Wales have the highest levels of population in Western Europe. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Prison Overcrowding1395 Words   |  6 PagesCriminal Justice Overview Paper Introduction One the most pressing concerns facing the criminal justice system is prison overcrowding. To examine a nation’s soul, all one has to do is look inside of its prisons. Even though we have 5 percent of the world’s population we have 25 percent of the world’s prison population. The makeup of our prison population range from first time drug offenders to serial killers. Prisons serve a necessary function in society if used properly to keep the worst of theRead MoreProblems and Challenges Facing Probation1624 Words   |  7 PagesAn Overview of the Parole System and its Problems Overcrowding in both state and federal prisons has been a major problem facing the corrections system. There have been many ways to try and stop the overcrowding, but it is still a problem to this day. Parole is just one strategy that has helped with this problem. The first actual type of parole was introduced by Alexander Maconochie in 1840. It was a primitive system and the first actual syst em of parole was introduced in 1846 by Sir Walter CroftonRead MoreThe United States Faces Excessive Mass Incarceration1618 Words   |  7 Pageslargest prison population in the world and the second highest incarceration rate per-capita (1 in 100 citizens is behind bars). While you are certainly familiar with these statistics, I would like to emphasize that using incarceration as the primary response to social problems, as is happening today in the United States, impacts the incarcerated, their families and neighborhoods, as well as costing Maryland taxpayers millions of dollars annually. We must enact policies that downscale the prison populationRead MoreAlternatives For School And Prison Pipeline962 Words   |  4 PagesAlternatives to School-to-Prison Pipeline Changes to Viewing the System This problem in Americas school system does not have to continue this way. There are changes that can be made and policies that need to be changed in order to provide the proper access to education for all students. The Association of Mexican America Educators presents research done with educators of low-income Latino students and what they believe needs to be changed to provide well for students. The article shares four mainRead MoreThe New Jim Crow By Alexander1294 Words   |  6 Pageswe did within the past few months, I connected more with these two articles: The case of reparations by Coates and Race, Wealth, and Equality by Oliver. Throughout the articles, we understand the struggle that black communities face because of the system that’s built to prevent them to succeed in life. As an African American in today’s society it has been difficult to find opportunities in life because of the injustice and discrimination that the particular community is experiencing. H owever, I willRead MoreSurvival Is The Key Struggle1295 Words   |  6 Pagesinflicted upon prisoners are the hard realities of the system. For the prisoners of Shawshank, life is often bleak and violent. However, the will to survive is what keeps the characters motivated to retain their humanity and challenge the institutionalization of Shawshank. In particular, the film’s main protagonists, Andy Dufresne and Ellis â€Å"Red† Redding, exemplify the struggle for survival in the face of a corrupt, frightening, and oppressive prison system. In order to survive the harsh realities of theRead MoreGlobal Influx Of Immigrants During The United States1074 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Influx of Immigrants In Texas June 5, 2015, A Salvadoran, Mauricio Hernandez, was sentenced to 50 years in prison and faces deportation after his term for raping his own baby (Immigration Issues 2015, Par. 3). Three illegal Immigrants, Uriel Ramirez-Perez, Darwin Zuniga-Rocha, and Eliseo Mateo Perez, were sentenced to time served in jail and deportation after prison term for first-degree sexual abuse (Immigration Issues 2015, Par.10). What do these two incidence have in common; they wereRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency in the United States1585 Words   |  6 Pagestheir likelihood to recommit. Punishment for juvenile offenders is usually a state issue rather than a federal one. This is a problem because it means that crimes are not universally punished nor are they punished by the same means and with the same severity. As the country grows and the population numbers increase, juvenile criminality becomes more pressing of a problem. Communities need to reevaluate the current youthful crime programs that th ey have and try to reform the minor members of theirRead MoreRacism in America Continues733 Words   |  3 Pagesbeen called the catalyst of Black progressive movements, and a lot has changed since then, but not enough. Racism has not disappeared, it simply has evolved. The problem is that we see racism a conscious hate, like the preaching’s of The Ku Klux Klan, Aryans, Skinheads, Neo Nazis, and many more, but it’s much more than that. Racism is a system of many different and intricate parts that were put together generations ago in favor of whites at others expenses. And the effects of this social order show noRead MorePrisoners Rights in International Law1509 Words   |  7 PagesDating as far back as 400 B.C., prisons have held a variety of meanings and served a wide array of functions, but in its fundamental use, prisons are intended to supplement the rise of a state as a form of social organization (Roberts). The most common use of prisons is as a supplement to a state’s justice system, in which individuals found guilty and convicted of crimes are sent for a set period of incarceration (Roberts). Outside of punishing civil crimes, prisons have been used by numerous regimes

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

War on Terror Droned Out Essay - 1236 Words

Droned Out Shortly after September 11, 2001, former president George W. Bush declared an international â€Å"war on terror.† He then sent troops to threatening countries such as Afghanistan; these troops personally conducted operations in order to honorably defend our country. Fast forward eight years and insert current president Barack Obama who continues the campaign against terrorism with a different approach. Instead of using real soldiers on the ground to fight terrorism he is essentially using robots. Obama’s counter-terrorism approach consists of targeted drone strikes where UAV’s are used to assassinate suspected leaders of terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda. Meanwhile these strikes don’t always work, and they can hurt innocent†¦show more content†¦Now, because of drones, the standard for a great American soldier has changed. Instead of the strong admirable men that we’ve grown to know the new breed of â€Å"so called ‘warrior s’ who just use computers to do this get higher accolades than the men who fought on the ground ever got,† are becoming more prominent (Babbin, 2013, Obama’s Drone War). These men are basically computer geeks who get recognition for risking their lives, meanwhile they’re sitting behind a screen. This is unfair to veterans of the past who have died or are permanently injured from actually fighting. Veterans are enraged by this, and now, they may question their patriotism. Since these veterans feed our depiction of loyalty and pride this is damaging America’s patriotism as a whole. The idea of democracy is highlighted by the fact that the executives don’t have too much power, so they can’t abuse it. Nonetheless, Obama is abusing his abilities in this particular counter-terrorism program. He has an overwhelming power as far as tactics and people’s lives. This is because the drone system is completely run through him and his final d ecisions (Babbin, 2013, Obama’s Drone War). In the academic journal Legal Ethics Is About the Law, Not Morality or Justice: A Reply to Critics, Bradley Wendel (2012) states â€Å"Obama Administration have prepared a still-secret memo authorizing the President to kill American citizens abroad without a trial.† A weak president is bad, butShow MoreRelatedThe Implications Of The Bush Speech - Rooting Out Terrorism974 Words   |  4 PagesThe implications of the Bush speech – rooting out terrorism in the world – taken from a modern standpoint, lend to the ethical evaluation of the address. Bush makes clear the notion that the global community condemns terrorism and any extremist activity; however, what type of policy agenda does Bush have in mind when making the address? In the years following the September 11 attacks, United States military action – particularly in the Middle East – escalated dramatically. Bush notes in his speech:

Comparing Utnapishtim And Noah s Ark - 1148 Words

Those living had built a structure that would carry them over days and nights. Some among many survive a great flood. Birds were sent to indicate if the flood had dissipated. These are some of the many moments that symbolize intrical points which maneuver the stories along. All of these items and ideas bear similarity with two well-known myths, the story of Utnapishtim and Noah’s Ark. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the story of Utnapishtim and the flood that is reminiscent of the Biblical account of Noah and the flood, both utilize symbolism of the flood, the structure to survive the flood, and the birds to establish the theme that though beings are destructive, some will thrive and flourish. The flood is one of the many symbols that help the†¦show more content†¦He chose to do so once he knew that Noah was an acceptable being and through the rebirth of other humans he thought that they could achieve the same behavior that Noah and his family represented. So not all homosapiens are evil and deserve to live. The ark is another symbol that contributes to the theme that though humans are intolerable, there are people who are righteous. This is demonstrated in The Epic of Gilgamesh when the god Ea tells Utnapishtim to â€Å"‘tear down’ his ‘house and build a boat’†(108), and then proceeds to inform him of â€Å"‘the measurements of the barque as’ he ‘shall build her’†(108). The god Ea further details him to â€Å"‘take up into the boat of all living creatures’†(108). Utnapishtim listens and â€Å"loaded into her all that’ he ‘had of gold and of living things’, his ‘family’, his ‘kin, the beast of the field both wild and tame, and all the craftsmen’†(109). The ark symbolizes safety and security. The ark itself would protect themselves and ensure that there would be no danger. These living beings are the only ones who survive. If the god Ea were to choose someone righteous to live, he would choose Utnapishtim and his family, otherwise, he wouldn’t have told Utnapishtim about the upcoming flood. In the Bible, God tells Noah to â€Å"‘make’ himself ‘an ark of cypress wood’† and tells him of the content and measurements(New International Version, Genesis 6.14 -Show MoreRelated Two Great Floods - The Bible and Epic of Gilgamesh Essay776 Words   |  4 Pagesbecome evil God chooses Noah and his family to start a new beginning. In the Bible God becomes regretful of creating mankind because he sees that they are wicked and they only have evil thoughts. The Lord decides, he will destroy human beings I made on earth. And I will destroy every animal and everything that crawls on the earth. I will also destroy the birds of the air. (Genesis 6:7) After God makes his decision to create a great flood he chooses Noah to build an ark to save his family andRead More Comparing the Epic of Gilgamesh Flood Myth and Book of Genesis Biblical Flood Myth1792 Words   |  8 PagesComparing the Gilgamesh and Genesis Floods      Ã‚  Ã‚   The rendition of the historic, worldwide Flood recorded in Genesis of the Old Testament is similar to the account recorded on Tablet 11of the Sumero-Babylonian version of the epic of Gilgamesh, discovered in the 1800’s by British archaeologists in Assyria. Let us compare the two in this essay.    Alexander Heidel in his book, The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels, provides a background for the survivor of the Sumero-Babylonian

Hamlet the Hero free essay sample

A discussion on whether Hamlet is a hero. This essay questions whether Hamlet should be considered a hero. The author argues that Hamlets actions do not meet the requirements of a hero since he did not find the moral strength to perform the actions required to bring an end to the rot and violence in the Danish court. We are accustomed to thinking of Hamlet as the hero of the play that bears his name, the avenger of his father, the man who returns a sense of justice and order to the land of Denmark. And yet a closer reading of the play suggests that while Hamlet is in some sense a hero, he is also quite clearly culpable in some sense. His own indecisiveness and unwillingness to act in the end cause a great deal of harm in the world. In the end he has failed to be a bulwark against evil. We will write a custom essay sample on Hamlet the Hero or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This passivity of his is certainly not as morally wrong as is the active evil involved in the murder of his father. But neither is it heroism, constituting no outstanding feat of virtue.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

SpanishAmerincan War Essay Research Paper US HistorySpanishAmerincan free essay sample

Spanish-Amerincan War Essay, Research Paper U.S. HistorySpanish-Amerincan WarWith the blackwash of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, non rather 43, became the youngest President in the Nation # 8217 ; s history. Hebrought new exhilaration and power to the Presidency, as he smartly ledCongress and the American public toward progressive reforms and a strongforeign policy.He took the position that the President as a # 8220 ; steward of the people # 8221 ; should take whatever action necessary for the public good unless expresslyforbidden by jurisprudence or the Constitution. # 8221 ; I did non usurp power, # 8221 ; he wrote, # 8221 ; but I did greatly broaden the usage of executive power. # 8221 ; Teddy # 8217 ; s old ages as a kid were non all panting for breath. Teddywas a really funny kid. He loved to travel outdoors into the forests and watchand survey birds and the environing wildlife. He liked to enter dataabout the animate beings, and enjoyed experimenting. When he grew up, he wrotebooks about nature, and wen t on trips to the mountains of New York frequently. We will write a custom essay sample on SpanishAmerincan War Essay Research Paper US HistorySpanishAmerincan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Teddy and his male parent believed Teddy could get the better of his illness. Mr. Roosevelt set up a gym in the Roosevelt # 8217 ; s house. Teddy worked out moreand more, and after a piece began to acquire stronger. But none of thishappened overnight. When Teddy went to Harvard for college, he and afriend published a book called # 8220 ; Summer Birds of The Adirondacks. # 8221 ; Duringcollege, Teddy besides was profoundly saddened when his male parent died on February9, 1877. On October 27, 1880, Theodore Roosevelt walked down the aisle. Hegot married to Alice Lee. Theodore besides went to Columbia University LawSchool. He besides wrote a book called # 8220 ; The Naval War of 1812. # 8221 ; He went toballs and opera # 8217 ; s. And was a really busy adult male. In 1883, Theodore went Westfor a twelvemonth. When came back from the trip, a new babe miss was born. Unfortunately, shortly after the babe was born, on February 14, in the earlymorning, Teddy # 8217 ; s beloved mother died. If that were non plenty, Alice diedof Kidney Disease that afternoon. Teddy, still sorrowing from the loss of Alice and his female parent, wentto the Dakota Territories for several old ages. He subsequently said that hewouldn # 8217 ; Ts have been the same if it wasn # 8217 ; T for the old ages he spent in theDakota Territories. # 8221 ; When he got back from the Dakota # 8217 ; s he married EdithCarow. In the Spanish-American war in 1898, Theodore was the commanding officer ofa horse known as # 8220 ; The Rough Riders. # 8221 ; His work at that place helped him becomeelected as the Governor of New York the same twelvemonth. During the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt was lieutenant colonelof the Rough Rider Regiment, which he led on a charge at the conflict of SanJuan. He was one of the most conspicuous heroes of the war.Boss Tom Platt, necessitating a hero to pull attending off fromscandals in New York State, accepted Roosevelt as the Republican candidatefor Governor in 1898. Roosevelt won and served with distinction.As President, Roosevelt held the ideal that the Government shouldbe the great supreme authority of the conflicting economic forces in the State, particularly between capit Al and labour, vouching justness to each anddispensing favours to none.Roosevelt emerged stunningly as a â€Å"trust buster† by coercing thedissolution of a great railway combination in the Northwest. Otherantitrust suits under the Sherman Act followed.Roosevelt steered the United States more actively into worldpolitics. He liked to cite a favourite adage, â€Å"Speak quietly and carry abig stick. . . . â€Å"Aware of the strategic demand for a cutoff between the Atlanticand Pacific, Roosevelt ensured the building of the Panama Canal. Hiscorollary to the Monroe Doctrine prevented the constitution of foreignbases in the Caribbean and arrogated the exclusive right of intercession inLatin America to the United States.He won the Nobel Peace Prize for interceding the Russo-Japanese War, he besides reached a Gentleman’s Agreement on in-migration with Japan, and hesent the Great White Fleet on a goodwill circuit of the world.Some of Theodore Roosevelt’s most effectual accomplishments were inconservation. He added tremendously to the national woods in the West, reserved lands for public usage, and fostered great irrigation projects.He crusaded infinitely on affairs large and little, exciting audienceswith his high-pitched voice, stick outing jaw, and thumping fist. â€Å"The life ofstrenuous endeavor† was a must for those around him, as he romped with hisfive younger kids and led embassadors on hikings through Rock Creek Parkin Washington, D.C.Leaving the Presidency in 1909, Roosevelt went on an Africansafari, so jumped back into political relations. In 1912 he ran for President on aProgressive ticket. To newsmans he one time remarked that he felt every bit fit as abull elk, the name of his new party.While candidacy in Milwaukee, he was shot in the thorax by afanatic. Roosevelt shortly recovered, but his words at that clip would havebeen applicable at the clip of his decease in 1919: â€Å"No adult male has had ahappier life than I have l ed ; a happier life in every way.†Vocab. List: Monroe Doctrine: a U.S. foreign policy that opposes European interventionin the political personal businesss of the Western hemisphere. It was first set downby President James Monroe in 1823, who stated that â€Å"the Americancontinents, by the free and independent status which they have assumedand maintained, are henceforth non to be considered as topics for futurecolonization by any European powers. . . . We should see any attempton their portion to widen their system to any portion of this hemisphere asdangerous to our peace and safety.† In return, the U.S agreed non tointerfere in the internal personal businesss of Europe. The Monroe Doctrine was atthe centre of argument sing U.S. engagement in World War I and WorldWar II, and was besides invoked during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, whenthe Soviet Union installed atomic missiles in Cuba-a misdemeanor of theMonroe Doctrine. However, analysts claim that theMonroe Doct rine is now worsening in importance.Assassination: The act of assassinating ; a violent death by treacherousviolence01/29/97 332